is a racing game developed by bluefiremark studio that equitably shares the main profits among players, NFT collectors and content creators through AIC (token) airdrops.

The game's profit-sharing program and the token (AIC) whitepaper

The game's profit-sharing program will be implemented once the game pass will become available.

After deducting taxes, fees and business expenses (development / maintenance / accountancy) we'll retain 10% for management / art direction.
30% of game profits goes to content creators (concept artists / 3d modelers).
The remaining 60% of the profits will be used to reward players and NFT collectors equally (30% / 30%).

AIC is a token made on polygon chain to share profits between players, NFT collectors and content creators.
Players will receive AIC airdrops by playing in multiplayer races while NFT collectors will receive AIC airdrops by collecting NFTs.

NFT collectors will get back a second NFT bonus (random model) + a limited edition car in-game (same model) once all NFTs of that model have been sold out + an AIC airdrop based on the profits we made in previous month.

The AIC token is available for purchase on
AIC address: 0xA5075d37FD4f6EDa5887Ef866A4f60E90218757c NFT collection (limited edition 50)

To receive a second NFT (bonus / random model) and an AIC airdrop, please confirm the address you used to purchase the NFT.

You'll get an NFT (bonus) / AIC airdrop within 30 days from the date you sent your confirmation at racing game launch date is set for late 2024 / early 2025